Admission Procedure
New Subjects has been granted for Class IX, XI, XII – Humanities Stream & 3 Vocational Subjects:
Streams in class XII (Senior Secondary Level) are Science (PCB), Maths (PCM),Commerce (Account, Eco, and Business Study) & Humanities (History, Political Science, and Geography). Optional Subject: Physical Education, Hindi, Computer.
- Generally Admission is open from 1st of February for the new session to begin from 1st
Admission on exceptional grounds is made during the year if vacancies exist.
Online registration is also available on school website
Entrance Examination and Documentation:
On completion of the registration process parents will be informed about the date of the entrance assessment.
Assessment for the admission is as follows:
For Nursery Class : Direct admission after parents’ interview.
For Pre-Primary : Oral exam will be taken.
For Class 1 to 8 and Class 9 & 11: Written exam will be taken.
This will be followed by an interaction of the Principal child and the parents with the principal. Based on the result and availability of the seats in the class, parents will be notified. Once the admission is confirmed, school fees and documents as mentioned in the schedule of the fees are to be submitted.

Points to Remember :
1. Parents must ensure that they should provide the correct name (Spelling should be correct) and correct Date of Birth with a Satisfactory evidence at the time of admission. Once recorded will not be changed. The age advisable for admission to standard 1st is 5years completed on June 1st corresponding increase for the other classes.
2. The Final decision of the Admission is given by the Principal only. The School Management and the Admission Committee reserves the Right of the Admission and it may cancel or refuse anytime without furnishing any reasons. NoDonationsor Consideration will be accepted by the Management.
3.In case of re-admission after withdrawal, Admission Fee will be levied again.
4. Admission totally depends on the vacancy of the seats in all classes with no guarantee of the admission.
5. At the time of admission, the student must produce a transfer certificate from the recognized school last attended. If she/he comes from outside Maharashtra State, the L.C. must be counter signed by the Education Officer of that place. A student, who has never attended school before, must produce the original birth certificate.
How To Register:
Application form for registration is attached with the Prospectus which is available with the School.
You can apply for the new Admission Form also from here.Click Here

- A clear calendar month’s notice in writing or a month’s fee in lieu of notice must be given before the pupils withdrawal. NO REFUND will be entertained otherwise. No verbal/telephonic/email intimation will be entertained.
- Transfer certificate is issued only when all the dues or documentation are cleared.
- The student will not be entitled for re-admission once the school leaving certificate (Transfer Certificate) has been issued. The admission process shall be followed while considering the child as a fresh admission.
- Student can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds:
(i) Academic dissatisfactory performance (ii) Disciplinary reasons.
(iii)Repeated detention in the class. (iv)Delay/ Repetitive failure in payment of fee.
(v) Regular Absence (vi) Non – adherence to school rules and regulations.
(vii) Shortage of attendance.
- Application for Transfer Certificate must indicate the reason & if possible, be supported with documents to be given in at least 1 month advance.